Today the Tuesday crew included Monica Barton, Jim Cyr, Steve Davis, Beverly Kemmerling, Daryl Stutley, Janet Wall and me, so we were able to divide and conquer. Steve started us out by locating two new conifers on the hillside just above the redwoods. Both are unusual native varieties (Hesperocyparisforbesii - Tecate cypress, and Pinusjeffreyi - Jeffrey pine) which before now weren’t represented in the garden.
Below, Janet and Daryl took on the task of preparing the holes, soaking the root balls (both were very dry), planting the trees and watering them in with water carried from the nursery as I couldn’t find a key that fit the adjacent hose bib.

Meanwhile, Beverly and Monica tackled removing matilija poppy stalks that were obscuring some of the additions to the area along the path across from Lillian’s Meadow. These included a recumbent form of Baccharis or coyote brush that because it is recumbant is totally invisible when surrounded by 6-foot tall matilija poppies! Below, Beverly and Monica at work.

Steve then placed 3 specimens of canyon sunflower (Venegasia carpesioides) which can tolerate dry conditions and are happy in shade. They resemble Enceliacalifornica (which covers some of the hillside in the Sage Hill area) but have a longer blooming period, and, probably because they are in shade and irrigated, won’t go summer dormant. Janet planted 2, one of which is just inside the old garden entrance surrounded by a large patch of humming bird sage. Below, Janet is installing a protective cage around it. I didn’t see where she and Steve planted the 2nd one.

Monica, Jim (who had a key to this adjacent hose bib) and I planted and watered in the third across from the wishing well kiosk.
No additional plants of note this week, but check out the 2 new conifers and follow them as they (hopefully) grow into trees.
Enjoy the garden! KMM