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  • Writer's pictureConejo Valley Botanic Garden

Activities for 6 August 2024

Today was similar to last week in that we introduced a new volunteer to the garden: Dale Hershberger who is also a Master Gardener of the class of 2024.

The Tuesday Crew today comprised Dale, Beverly Kemmerling, Daryl Stutley, Nancy Taylor Walker, Janet Wall and myself. Bill Dobner was on site working with the compost, and Jim Cyr worked along side us in the Australian section.

We started out the day completing the job we began last week: dead heading the bulbine along the main trail on the way up to the Australian section.

Daryl and I tackling the spent bloom stalks.

Janet and Beverly starting from the other side. (2 garden visitors in background)

Those were the “before” shots; below is the after shot.

Dale and Nancy surveying the now dead-head-free bulbine drift.

From that spot we went up the path only a little way and decided to pay some attention to the Australian section. This is one of the problem areas of the garden where it seems only a few plants thrive, many survive, and some don’t make it. We spent the time removing dead wood/branches and saplings of desert willow and oaks from the area. Sadly the old woody grevillea at the hairpin turn in the inner pathway is barely hanging on.

Yours truly removing dead wood from that grevillea.

Daryl doing some pruning

Beverly and Dale trimming dead wood and limbs overlapping the path from Callistemon “Little John” ( a low-growing bottle brush) — one of the plants that seem to be thriving.

Enjoy the garden! KMM

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