Goodness, is it already the end of August? The rain just over a week ago threw me off and resulted in the Tuesday crew not working in the garden last Tuesday due to muddy conditions. Bill Dobner was the sole volunteer that day and worked on the compost as he did today.
Today we had a skeleton crew working in the garden. Nancy Taylor Walker, Beverly Kemmerling, Daryl Stutly and I worked at removing the last sizable stand of oregano in the lower Bird Habitat. Until the next flush of growth from remaining roots and seeds, that should be it for this year. Below, Nancy, Beverly and me working in the shade of a bay tree.

Below, Beverly and Daryl in a sea of lantana and oregano

Just a couple of plants of note today: a white bearded iris underneath the chitalpa trees in the service area:

And, though they’re common in these parts, in several areas of the garden the Amaryllisbelladonna (“naked ladies”) are in bloom. The ones below are at the entrance to the Desert Garden in the shade of bottle brush trees.

Enjoy the garden…KMM